
Impact Yoga is here for you to access the power in the softer, feminine energy of YIN to balance out the active, masculine Yang energy that lives inside all human beings. Learn how to create deeper impact, from the (y)inside out.

The feminine Yin qualities invite us to slow down, soften, and turn inward to go deeper into a sense of authentic connection within ourselves. Yin not only brings you to the deeper layers of your body, it brings you to the deeper layers of yourself.

Yin is based on the holistic perspective of Chinese medicine meets yoga. This is where we connect to the intelligence of the body and learn to understand the messages coming from within and start working together with the body, mind and emotional self as a holistic team to guide you forward in life through mindful leadership. This is where we find necessary insights, release and healing. This is where you take back your power and create true impact.

It is the purpose of Impact Yoga to help create a more balanced world by allowing more space for the Yin energy to rise into our awareness and lives.  Stop feeling overwhelmed and take back your power by connecting back to the healing energies of the feminine yin energy that already lives inside of you.

You need it. The world needs it. And the world needs you.

Welcome to Impact Yoga.

The story behind Yin Yoga

Yin & Yang

According to the Taoist philosophy everything in nature, including humans, consists of both yin and yang energy that support each other in order to create balance.

As the ancient Taoist philosophy describes:

“Yin cannot exist without Yang, nor Yang without Yin. Just as shade cannot exist without light, and light can only be light when contrasted to darkness.”

While the yang represents the masculine outward energy of action and that what is visible, the feminine yin energy invites you to turn inward and focusses on reflection and connection. In order to do that we need to slow down and become still to give space to this softness that lives inside all human beings. Just like the day naturally transitions into the night and night gently comes back into day, we need to honor our own natural yin & yang cycle in life. We need our inner yin energy to guide us and the outward yang energy to transform the intention into action. Too much yin and we become stuck. Too much yang and we burn out.

Yin yoga is a special type of yoga with long passive holds that combines the knowledge of yoga, meditation & mindfulness with the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine energy meridians. In other words: a holistic approach that honors all that you are. Start working with the intelligence of the body, emotional self & the mind together as one supportive team inside you.

Yin specialist Kirsten helps you to decipher the messages from within and discover which energy meridian is out of balance when facing physical, emotional and mental challenges in life.

We hold both yin & yang energies within us. Our feminine yin side often feels overshadowed by the demands of the dominating yang lifestyle. Give both equal space to support one another so they can dance together in harmony. Embody both and you will be unstoppable.

Yin reveals the unseen. Get access to your (y)inner world. 

Time for a new approach in mindful leadership with sustainable (y)insights, a sense of empowerment, and simple tools to create impact from the (y)inside out. 

It is time for the rise of the feminine.

Want to know how Yin can create impact for you? Join us for Yin Retreats, yin events in Ibiza, or  1:1 (y)impact coaching sessions online. 

Time to Embody the Feminine

While yang is about action and power, yin is about reflection and listening. Invite yourself to slow down and turn inward to give space to the softer yin energy that lives inside you, guiding you every single day.

Yin reveals the unseen.

Yin yoga is a special type of yoga that combines the knowledge of yoga, meditation & mindfulness with the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine energy meridians. In other words: a holistic approach that honors all that you are. Start working with the intelligence of the body, emotional self & the mind together as one supportive team inside you.

Yin specialist Kirsten helps you to decipher the messages from within and discover which energy meridian is out of balance when facing physical, emotional and mental challenges in life.

Feel the impact after just a single session nourish you on a deeper level. Experience a sense of deep nourishment, create your own calm, and learn how to use your feminine energy to guide you from the inside out.

Get ready for a sense of empowerment, personal leadership, and impact on and off the yoga mat. 

Join us for Yin Retreats, online yin yoga classes, or customized 1:1 (Y)impact coaching sessions.